
Other Waypoint Tasks

Other Fleet-related Tiles

Use this task to load or unload minerals, fuel or colonists.

The middle dropdown lists cargo types. The bottom dropdown lists methods of loading and unloading. When you assign a load/unload action, the cargo name turns from black to green to distinguish this cargo from those which have no action assigned. Some actions allow exact amounts to be specified.

Zip Orders: To quickly load fuel, minerals and colonists, right-click on the blue diamond and choose a pre-defined order from the list. If a Zip Order doesn't quite meet your needs, you can create your own or modify the existing order.

Load / Unload Actions:

(no action)

No transport task for the specified cargo.

Load All Available

Loads as much of the specified cargo as the fleet can hold.

Unload All

Unloads all the specified cargo at the waypoint.

Load Exactly...

Load the amount specified only if there is room in the hold.

Unload Exactly...

Unloads the amount specified only if the fleet is carrying that amount.

Fill up to %...

Loads up to the specified portion of the cargo hold subject to amount available at waypoint and room left in hold.

Wait for %...

Loads exactly X % of the hold's capacity. The fleet stays at the waypoint until the order is filled.

Load Optimal
(fuel only)

Loads or unloads fuel until the fleet carries only the exact amount needed to reach the next waypoint. A good use of this task is to send a fleet loaded with fuel out to rescue a stranded fleet, specifying Load Optimal. The rescue fleet will transport only the amount of  fuel it can spare without stranding itself.

Load Dunnage
(minerals and colonists only)

This command waits until all other loads and unloads are complete, then loads as many colonists or amount of a mineral as will fit in the remaining space. For example, setting Load All Germanium, Load Dunnage Ironium, will load all the Germanium that is available, then as much Ironium as possible. If more than one dunnage cargo is specified, they are loaded in the order of Ironium, Boranium, Germanium, and Colonists.

Set Amount to...

Loads or unloads the cargo until the amount on board is the amount specified. If less than the specified cargo is available, the fleet will not move on.

Set Waypoint to...

Loads or unloads the cargo until the amount at the waypoint is the amount specified. This order is always carried out to the best of the fleet's ability that turn but does not prevent the fleet from moving on.

Learn more about:

How to Manage Fleets

Creating Custom Transport Zip Orders

Transporting Freight